10th Anniversary of South Sudan's Independence

Happy Independence Day to the people of South Sudan! 

Ten years ago today, South Sudan was born. We stand shoulder to shoulder with all communities across South Sudan in the pursuit of peace and prosperity. Despite gaining its independence from Sudan, however, the reality in South Sudan is sobering—the world’s youngest country has continued to endure the horrors of brutal armed conflict and extreme poverty and has faced significant challenges throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. To this day, less than 50% of South Sudan’s population has access to clean water. We continue to dream of a future in which every single person in South Sudan has access to the tools they need not only to survive, but to thrive. When clean water is no longer a luxury, but a given. We are grateful for every day that we inch toward progress and are cautiously optimistic for better days ahead. We commend the unwavering spirit of the South Sudanese people and vow to continue our work providing essential water, sanitation, and hygiene services.  

We thank our team in South Sudan for their resilience, dedication, and hard work in continuing our mission, and we thank our donors across the U.S., and around the world, for supporting our work. We also thank every international organization and government for their partnerships and investment in South Sudan. Hope is possible because of you. 


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