Amazing Kids Feature: Emma from Illinois

We are so inspired by all the people who support Water for South Sudan. We’re especially inspired when young people take action. Take Emma, who started at the tender age of 8!

Emma read A Long Walk to Water with her third-grade class. “I was inspired because I read girls couldn’t go to school and that life is so difficult for people living in South Sudan,” Emma shared. “I wanted to help.”

As part of a school project, she researched and created a poster board filled with information about WFSS and facts to raise awareness about the need for clean water. This process helped prepare and inspire her to fundraise.

Now ten, she’s held fundraisers in her neighborhood for the past two summers. “Mom and I baked cookies, brownies, rice Krispie treats, and made lemonade.” Her inspiration became a family affair, and her brother Jake and close friends joined in the effort.

On the last day of summer in 2021, Emma held the first fundraiser. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and neighbors came by to support her. At one point, they ran out of lemonade, but nearby cousins saved the day and filled in with their lemonade. That first fundraiser lasted four hours. Combined with a match from her parents, she raised $684.

“We’re very proud of her. She took the initiative on her own and followed through. We hope she continues the good work.” ~Jamie, Emma’s dad

Emma held another stand this summer, and with another generous match from her parents, she raised $620. Her ultimate goal is to support a well rehabilitation. “I feel like I accomplished something bigger than most kids my age,” Emma said.

It’s clear that Emma feels the pull to help others. That’s also evident in her dreams for the future. “I’m interested in being a doctor or first responder. I’d also like to continue to be an activist for important initiatives like WFSS.”

“Reading A Long Walk to Water was an eye-opening experience for Emma. Before reading that book, it was difficult for her to imagine a life so different from hers. She was determined to do something to help. Her goal is to raise enough money to rehab a water well in South Sudan. I am so proud of her ability to develop a plan and execute it. It’s a privilege to see her compassion in action!” ~Jessie, Emma’s mom

WFSS is grateful and proud to feature Emma as an Amazing Kid, and we look forward to seeing what she accomplishes in the future. She’s clearly off to a great start!


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