Like so many Amazing Kids supporting WFSS, Annina learned about WFSS when she read A Long Walk to Water in 2021 at age 12. 

Coupled with reading Linda Sue Park’s bestselling novel, Annina’s teacher provided a deeper connection to the culture of South Sudan, highlighting aspects of daily life for many people in the country. This allowed Annina to see a life much different than her own. 

She was immediately drawn to the reality that kids her age must walk for water daily. 

“It really opened her eyes to a world that she had never thought of before. She immediately wanted to help,” Annina’s mom, Seb, shared.

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Annina raised $1,000 on her own with chore money and other donations, but her goal was to double that amount. With this in mind, she approached her principal to ask if she could reach out to her classmates for help reaching her goal.

Her principal was supportive, arranging a virtual presentation; she also set up a $5 dress-down day to help Annina raise funds. 

“I love the community built by the school, and I love doing community service,” Annina says. “After the presentation, teachers complimented me, and my classmates stepped up to offer help.”

Flash forward to 2022, when Annina approached her mom with $500 she had saved from weekly chores like cleaning her room, doing laundry, and helping her younger siblings with their homework. She wanted to donate it to WFSS.

“I had no idea she was saving her money! I was shocked,” says Seb. “Annina is quiet about her fundraising and doesn’t do it for recognition.”

Annina (center), ELA teacher (left), and principal (right)

It’s pretty clear what a special young person Annina is, so we asked for her advice on how to get started with fundraising. “I started with chore money. Just do whatever helps out. Just start anywhere that you can—just start.” 

“Fundraising made me feel amazing, and I just felt so happy that I was able to do this. Reading the book also taught me perseverance. Salva’s Uncle Jawir’s quote about taking one step at a time stuck with me."

When asked what she wants to be when she grows up, Annina has a clear plan. “I want to be a dentist or orthodontist. I had a severe underbite when I was young and started with orthodontia care in second grade. I’ve had surgery, a retainer, mouth gear, and braces. I understand and want to help people like me.”

At WFSS, we’re inspired by people like Annina, who go far beyond their learning to make a positive impact on the world. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for Annina!


2022-23 Season Update


Amazing Kids Feature: Pippa