Amazing Kids Feature: Harry from England

Every month we profile an Amazing Kid who has gone above and beyond to support Water for South Sudan (WFSS). We recently interviewed Harry, an 11-year-old student from Wolverhampton, England, and learned about his efforts to help fund clean water. Harry first learned about WFSS in class, where he is currently reading A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park. Reading the book inspired him to launch a fundraising campaign, but Harry made sure to prepare by first researching our work and water projects in South Sudan. Harry’s parents also said they would donate to his fundraiser if he picked up extra chores around the house, like doing the dishes. As a seasoned recreational cyclist, Harry decided that a bike ride would be the perfect way to fundraise. 

Harry and his family

Harry planned to bike 15 miles on the canal path from Wolverhampton to Birmingham in honor of WFSS and asked family and friends to sponsor his trek. Harry shattered his original fundraising goal—he had initially planned to raise £150, or over $208. Since launching his fundraiser, however, Harry has raised £452, which is equivalent to over $627. Harry even appeared on a local radio station and in a local newspaper to talk about his efforts. Though COVID-19 lockdowns in England have delayed the bike ride, Harry is looking forward to the day it is safe to complete it. 

Harry notes that his favorite part of the fundraiser was watching the money roll in and the bar on his fundraising page fill up. When asked what advice he would give to anyone considering fundraising, he recommends to just go for it. He also suggests starting with a small goal and upping your goal gradually when the donations start coming in. “We’re really proud of him. Our whole family is proud of him,” Harry’s mom says. “He’s just a caring and compassionate child. It’s amazing, really. I just hope he continues.'' 

The money Harry raised will fund a hygiene education training in South Sudan. 

In his spare time, Harry loves to play video games and go for walks in the park near his house. He lives with his parents, sister, and a pet cat named Rogan. Harry’s favorite subjects in school are math and PE.

harry with bike


harry and his family

Harry and his family

Every day we’re grateful for Amazing Kids like Harry—young people who step up to make a life-changing difference for South Sudan’s most vulnerable communities. Thank you for inspiring us and making our work possible!

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