Notes from the field: Gary’s trip to South Sudan

Our Operations Coordinator, Gary Prok, recently traveled to South Sudan to visit with the team as they prepared for the 2024-25 operating season. Continue reading to learn more about his trip and key takeaways.

Ugandan Water Project staff came to support WFSS staff on mWater training. mWater is a free, open-access platform for tracking water and sanitation project data, which the team currently uses.

After the mWater training, Asunta Bol, Admin Manager, toured the compound with Gary to identify improvements and repairs required to sustain the operations center. These improvements include solar panels and auto-shutoff for the water tower, installation of a backup generator, construction of guest latrines (bathrooms), repairs to the security wall, and modifications to a small bridge used by staff that heavy rains have overcome.

Then, Emmanuel Duku, Special Project Supervisor, gave an overview of the Surface Water Treatment (SWAT) System developed by Rose Hulman Ventures and funded by a private family foundation. Emmanuel and Gary visited the potential site for the placement of this pilot system. This location has a hand-dug well that supplies clear water, which is contaminated by the villagers dipping jugs into it to access the water. Emmanuel tested the capacity of the source and determined that it could supply sufficient water to supply the SWAT system. This project is planned to be implemented during the current operating season.

A Starlink demo system arrived in Wau. Once configured, the team enjoyed fast internet—a constant challenge in South Sudan. We expect to have video calls at a fraction of the cost of our current satellite service. 

Gary shared, “Overall, this was an intense but fruitful trip. Our team is establishing procedures and receiving the necessary training to develop a solid foundation for the operating season kickoff, set for January. The needs in South Sudan are significant, but team members can identify and share these needs to grow the organization sustainably.”


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