Women’s Empowerment Project Update #3

Project Overview

The Women’s Empowerment Project, funded by an anonymous foundation and implemented by the Water for South Sudan Foundation in March, marks a significant milestone in addressing women’s needs in the Udhum, Aweil West County community. 

Furthermore, this project aims to enhance the socio-economic status of women in Udhum through various interventions, including Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs), vegetable production, and hygiene promotion.

Our Latest Accomplishments

1. Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs)

  • 25 women were trained and supported in VSLA formation and management.

  • The VSLAs collectively saved  50,000 South Sudanese Pounds (SSP) (equivalent to $383 USD) and accessed group loans of 400,000 SSP (equivalent to $3,070 USD).

  • Of the total funds accessed (450,000 SSP), 190,000 SSP has been disbursed as individual loans to women to initiate small businesses, while the remaining 260,000 SSP is maintained as group savings.

  • A social fund of 2,500 SSP has been established through contributions of 100 SSP per member.

2. Vegetable Production

  • A group of 25 women successfully established raised seedbeds for vegetable cultivation.

  • Seeds have germinated.

  • Seedling transplanting is completed.

  • The next task is weeding.

3. Hygiene Promotion

  • 1,744 community members (937 women and girls, 807 men and boys) were reached with critical hygiene education messaging, including promotions in hand washing, food hygiene, environmental hygiene, and individual and community caregiving practices.

  • Hygiene promotion activities raising awareness among caregivers at nutrition sites contributed to reducing the prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) among children.

Stay tuned and follow us on our social media platforms for more exciting updates about the Women’s Empowerment Project. Thank you for your commitment to supporting this vital work.


Water Institute update


Mark’s Story